January 08, 2007

Who's Giving To Whom?

The following eight "high-profile" donors are listed as giving to various 2008 Presidential candidates (of both parties). The recipients are: John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Tom Vilsack, Hillary Clinton, Wesley Clark, Barrack Obama, John Kerry and Joseph Biden.

Just for shits 'n giggles, guess who each of these donor's candidate of choice is (answers and link below the fold).

1.) Oliver Stone
2.) Cher
3.) Dennis Hopper
4.) Bill Gates
5.) Kris Kristofferson
6.) Kelsey Grammer
7.) Norman Lear
8.) Candice Bergen


Click "read more" to see how you did... more...

Posted by: Gary at 02:19 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Bad News: Bees

Tests have confirmed the presence of African Killer Bees in New Orleans. The city, still recovering from Katrina, is investigating this further.

Well, how long is it before the obvious question is raised: What did Bush know and when did he know it?

Posted by: Gary at 01:55 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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January 05, 2007

In The Spirit Of Bipartisanship Appeasing Moonbats

Ankle-biters Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are already making demands on troop levels.

Good thing neither of them is Commander-In-Chief, eh?

Tell you what, kids. You go and try and pass your little minimum wage bill or whatever else you have planned. The President will worry about troop levels. It's his job, not yours.

Posted by: Gary at 03:58 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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January 04, 2007

Harriet Miers Is Leaving The White House

Effective January 31st.

Um, not to be a dick or anything, but did anyone out there - until just now - realize that she was still there?


Posted by: Gary at 03:02 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Frankenstein's Moonbat

Well, here comes the new Democrat Majority to kick off the new Congress with a press conference, and guess who shows up?

Media whore "Peace Mom" Cindy Sheehan and her merry band of anti-war protesters. (At the link is the video of them shouting down Rahm Emanuel - priceless).

Standing in front of the microphones, Democrat leaders looked very uncomfortable and gave each other sidelong glances as if to say "Um, what the f@#& is she doing here?" Sheehan and company weren't interested in the domestic policies that Dems intend to try and ram through over the next two weeks. Nor, I suspect, are many of the other Leftoids who erroneously claim credit for the Congress' recent change of control.

Finally, Emanuel and the others had to retreat back to the caucus room to hide and wait for the rowdy bunch to go away.

Um, Rahm. I don't think they're going away anytime soon. Hey, you guys helped create this monster, now you're going to have to deal with it.

Sister Toldjah has the money-quote:

"If your party canÂ’t stand up to being confronted by hostile moonbat Â’supportersÂ’ like Cindy Sheehan what does that say about your ability (or lack thereof?) to stand up to Al Qaeda?"
Thanks to JAron for the inspiration:

run away.jpg

"Holy Christ! It's Mother Sheehan! Run away!!! Run Away!!!

Posted by: Gary at 11:01 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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January 03, 2007

"Blog Wars" And The Improbable Candidacy Of Ned Lamont

A week or so ago, I made reference to a one-hour documentary called “Blog Wars” that was to be featured on the Sundance Channel. I had DVR’d it and finally got around to watching it.

HereÂ’s my review.

Posted by: Gary at 02:30 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Let The Stalemate Begin

The President wrote a rare Op-Ed in the WSJ this morning, extending a hand of cooperation to the new Congress. Bipartisanship? I think he should prepare for that hand to be ceremoniously slapped back. The Left will accept nothing less from their party leaders.

One line in the column warmed my heart in particular:

The majority party in Congress gets to pass the bills it wants. The minority party, especially where the margins are close, has a strong say in the form bills take. And the Constitution leaves it to the president to use his judgment whether they should be signed into law.
It seems he got the memo. He may be a lame-duck, but the President clearly recognizes his responsibility to limit the amount of damage that the Democrats' razor-thin majority can do at this critical time of our country's history.

Capt. Ed, however, is not so sure it will be all that necessary.

He will probably get a lot more practice at vetoing legislation over the next two years now that he has no Republican majority to protect. This may not make much difference to the Democrats, who will probably have a very difficult time passing any kind of legislation, thanks to the weakness and character of their majority. They only can stand to shed a handful of votes on any bill, and the Blue Dogs outweigh that margin by at least a factor of two. Party unanimity will only last a short time; freshmen from formerly Republican districts will not risk their re-election chances by going the full Pelosi. If they do, the two-seat Democratic majority in the Senate will probably not be sufficient to push the bills through any kind of concerted Republican effort to stop them. Bush may not have an opportunity to sign or veto much, outside of normal appropriations bills.

The Democrats know this, and they will concentrate their efforts elsewhere -- such as investigations and House rules changes, where their power runs free of the executive. I suspect we will see a return of the Do-Nothings in terms of legislation, but a long, tiresome slog of probes into every nook and cranny of the White House in order to dig up any dirt that can be used in 2008 on the GOP.

So, starting tomorrow, expect gridlock - and politics as usual.

Hey, it could be a lot worse.

Posted by: Gary at 08:50 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 02, 2007

Heroes Gone Wild

Superman's revelry on New Year's Eve gets slightly out of hand.

Superman drunk.jpg

The Man of Steel was spotted flying above the city of Rome wearing only a blonde wig, underwear and borrowed sneakers shouting "I'm King of the Word!"

A spokesperson for The Daily Planet had no comment.

Posted by: Gary at 11:10 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Not That The Need To Hang Saddam Wasn't Already Self-Evident

But it's inevitable that many of us today will return to work and run across those annoying people who will try to play devil's advocate and argue that executing this butcher wasn't really necessary or try to make some lame feel-good anti-death penalty case.

Hit them with this beauty from Clifford May at NRO:

Imagine that Saddam had not been executed. Imagine that he had been sentenced to life in prison.

Now imagine that a group of pro-Saddam terrorists seizes an elementary school. They say they will kill all the students and teachers if Saddam is not released within 24 hours.

Should Saddam then be released? Or should several dozen innocent children and their teachers be killed?

Is it not better that we have guaranteed that it will never be necessary to make such a choice?

That ought to shut their pie-holes for them, but good. Actually, we should thank our lucky stars that the terrorists didn't think of this one before.

Posted by: Gary at 09:32 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2007!

Baby New Year.jpg

Posted by: Gary at 08:30 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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December 30, 2006

(The Final) Diane Lane Photo Of The Week: Lane-apalooza!

Yes, sadly this is the last in a re-booted Saturday series.

...with a little something extra!

DL 12-30.jpg

One of my personal favorites.

And this week's Diane Lane Netflix Pick of the Week:

6 a little romance.jpg

A Little Romance (1979)

Synopsis: Diane Lane stars as Lauren, a young American girl whose love of books finds a soul mate in Daniel (Thelonious Bernard) -- and romance blossoms. When Daniel slugs the egomaniacal director boyfriend of Lauren's self-absorbed actress mother (Sally Kellerman), the two are forbidden to date. But with the help of an aging pickpocket (engagingly played by Laurence Olivier), the two young lovers run off to Venice and spark an international chase.

Gary's take: The one that started it all. At the time, her co-star, Sir Laurence Olivier, dubbed her "the next Grace Kelly". A simple story of young love and chasing a crazy dream to create a memory to last a lifetime.

A female commenter recently asked "what is it about Diane Lane?". Well here's the answer. Back in late 1979 or early 1980 when I was about twelve or thirteen years old, I saw this movie for the first time on cable (I was fortunate enough to have it back then) and I completely fell for this adorable precocious girl. Yes, my own memory to last a lifetime. Since then I've watched her grow up on film from a teenage heartbreaker to middle-aged sweetheart. It's that regular girl-next-door killer smile that gets me everytime.

I think my experience is similar to a lot of guys my age. I don't think there's another actress out there who's captured the affection of the males of my generation the way she has. She's never "sold out" in the Hollywood sense (though her current mother-in-law is noneother than Babs Streisand - ick). She's a terrific (and highly underrated) actress and just a lovely woman. And much to my wonderful wife's chagrin, Diane Lane will always have a special little place in my heart - even when she's in her seventies.

There. Now the surprise - a nine-minute video montage of the lovely Diane Lane. Simply Beautiful.

Happy New Year!

Posted by: Gary at 10:00 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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December 29, 2006

Together, At Last


I love when you get all biblical, Satan! You know exactly how to turn my crank.

Posted by: Gary at 10:15 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Peggy's Pearls Of Wisdom

On Ford's pardoning of Nixon:

"[H]e threw himself on a grenade to protect the country from shame, from going too far. It was an act of deep political courage, and it was shocking. Almost everyone in the country hated it, including me. But Ford was right. Richard Nixon had been ruined, forced to resign, run out of town on a rail. There was nothing to be gained--nothing--by his being broken on the dock. What was then the new left would never forgive Ford. They should thank him on their knees that he deprived history of proof that what they called their idealism was not untinged by sadism."
Amazing how thirty years of history can help you see the bigger picture.

Posted by: Gary at 09:05 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 28, 2006

Saddam Hussein May Will Not See The New Year Sunday (Updated!)

So says NBC.

The families of his victims have waited over three years since his capture for justice. I'll still only believe it when I see him actually hanging from a noose.

The sooner, the better.

UPDATE (12/29/06):
Let's see.

Death warrant signed by Iraqi Prime Minister...check.

Saddam transferred to Iraqi custody...check.

Hinges on the gallows trap-door oiled...check...

Rumor has it, midnight Iraqi time (4pm EST) 6am Iraqi time (10pm EST).

You can read through this monster's rap sheet while you wait.

It's done.

Posted by: Gary at 11:28 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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"Shut Up And Sing"? How About Just Go Away?

Can these twits take a hint?

Sixty-one days in release and the Dixie Chicks' documentary has only managed to rake in just a bit over $1 million bones.


I love that poster with the photo of George W. Bush with that look of annoyance on his face. Yeah, right. Bush probably doesn't even know who they are.

Here's a group who was able to do something few musicians are able to do. They found a unique sound and gained an audience. But they never understood their audience. Then, after alienating said audience, they shrug it off with the attitude that the people who made them rich are just a bunch of ignorant hicks. And they're victims now.


So now they make a movie that reinforces that fact that not only do they really have nothing to say, but it appears that no one is interested in hearing it. My guess is that it'll ultimately double it's meager gross through DVD sales, which will probably be purchased by a bunch of elitist Bush-hating moonbats who - up until the big "controversy" - wouldn't have given the Chicks the time of day because they were dubbed "country" musicians.

And maybe some Canadians.

And Laura Ingraham, who coined the phrase that the Chicks stole for their title, won't even see a dime from it.

I love how the budget is not disclosed on the gross receipts report. Must be too humiliating to admit.

Posted by: Gary at 03:30 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Man With The Golden Arm

Yee-Gads! The SanFran Giants have succumbed to the will of the wily "super agent" Scott Boras and agreed to pay pitcher Barry Zito $126,000,000 over SEVEN years!


Now, as a Mets fan, I would certainly have considered Zito a nice signing in New York but laying out a contract for a pitcher that goes beyond five years is insanity - a guaranteed $18 Million a year from now through 2013? No thanks. Boras strikes again. Wow. And he doesn't even have to move (he's currently on Oakland's roster).

Sure, maybe he'll pitch at "ace" levels until he's 35. Maybe he'll avoid throwing out his arm. And maybe if his production starts to fall over the years, there'll actually be a team out there willing to trade for him and take on his gi-normous salary.

But if I were a betting man...nah.

Posted by: Gary at 02:06 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Who We Lost In 2006

Dirty Harry at Libertas runs down the list of actors and actresses who passed in this year. They will be missed.

I have a feeling that about thirty years from now we'll be looking at a similar list. And the proportion of those on that list who will truly be missed will be very, very small.

Posted by: Gary at 10:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 27, 2006

Chevy Chase On Ford

I almost hasten to categorize this post under "celebrities" because I think in Chase's case it's a bit of a stretch.

In a Reuters story with the headline "30 Years Later, Chevy Chase Calls Ford 'Terrific Guy', they saw fit to include a quote that really has no place in the story:

"He had never been elected period, so I never felt that he deserved to be there to begin with," the actor said about Ford, who died on Tuesday at age 93. "That was just the way I felt then as a young man and as a writer and a liberal."
Now let's look at the utter absurdity of this statement.

Under the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (that's the main document outlining our Federal government, Chevy), the Vice-President is next in line to succeed a President who dies, becomes incapacitated or resigns from office. Richard Nixon resigned from office. Gerald Ford was Vice-President at the time. You do the math.

The fact that Ford hadn't been elected Vice-President is not the point. His appointment was approved by a majority of the members of Congress (both chambers then controlled by Democrats). What would Chevy have preferred? President Spiro Agnew? He was elected Vice-President, after all. Or maybe Chevy thinks that Ford should have also resigned (not having been elected and all) and allowed the Speaker of the House to assume the Presidency. That would have been Democrat Carl Albert. Of course, Albert had merely been elected Speaker by a majority of the members of the House, as opposed to both chambers. But he was a Democrat, right?

No, Chevy Chase understands the rules of succession just fine. Despite the fact that Ford - a gracious man - was always kind to Chase despite the fun (and the early career boost) he got at the former President's expense, I think there's a little something else behind that particular comment.

What probably steamed Chevy Chase about Ford at the time - and probably still does - is the fact that he pardoned Nixon. I'm sure that "as a young man and as a writer and a liberal", Chase was kicking himself that Nixon wasn't publicly drawn and quartered over Watergate. The irony is that while Nixon was a Republican, he was by no means a Conservative. But what's a silly label when you're part of an evil political party?

Plus, it's hard to pass up an opportunity to undermine the legitimacy of a Republican President. Ain't it, Chevy?

I'm reminded of a scene from "Caddyshack" when Chase's Ty Webb pulls aside Judge Smails (brilliantly played by Ted Knight, a real comic talent) to tell him "You know, Judge. My dad...never liked you."

Somehow I can't help but think that when Chevy Chase muses "We kept in touch and he was just a terrific guy" that he is in fact just kidding himself and that Ford...never really like him. Though Ford was too much of a gentleman to let him know that.

Posted by: Gary at 02:50 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Set Your VCRs/DVRs Alert

This might be hard for some to find on their local cable systems because I have no idea how widespread the "Sundance Channel" is. But John Hinderaker from Powerline gives us a heads up that there will be a documentary called "Blog Wars" airing on that channel tomorrow (Thursday, the 28th). My cable system has it listed for 10pm but yours may be different so check tvguide.com.

It's basically an account of the role that blogs played in the CT Senate race between Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman. The focus is the primary race and John says that it's presented in a fairly neutral way. This is the quote, however, that piqued my interest:

Others, no doubt, will draw different lessons from Blog Wars, but for me, the film was an expose of the liberal bloggers, who come across as vapid and remarkably vulgar. I repeatedly found myself wondering why on earth they had permitted Rogan to film a particular scene, or why, knowing that his camera was filming, they behaved as they did. I think part of the explanation is that James is such a nice, unthreatening guy that his subjects are somewhat disarmed.
I plan on DVRing it and after I watch it I'll post a review.

Posted by: Gary at 10:07 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Gerald R. Ford (1913 - 2006)

The 38th President of the United States died yesterday at the ripe old age of 93.


I was too young to have any real memories of Ford. Unfortunately, my earliest recollections are of either Chevy Chase falling all over himself on SNL or the goofy caricature from the movie "The Pink Panther Strikes Again".

He had a thankless job, succeeding Richard Nixon in the wake of Watergate. And he had been previously chosen for Vice-President in the wake of Spiro Agnew's humiliating resignation. Nixon's choice was driven by the fact that, as a legislator, Ford was a popular and non-controversial guy who would have no problem being confirmed by Congress. He goes down in history as the only President to serve who never received a single vote as either President or Vice-President.

He may or may not have been the ideal person for the job considering the state of the nation at the time. But he did his best. He served his country in WWII and many years in the Congress. And by all accounts he was a really nice guy. He will probably never be ranked in the top ten (or even top thirty) list of past Presidents. But to the people who knew him, he'd rank way up there as a husband, a father, a friend and an American. R.I.P.

That leaves Jimmy Cower Carter as the oldest surviving President. How old is he anyway? Isn't it about time for that miserable failure to take the old dirt nap?

Posted by: Gary at 09:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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