November 08, 2005

Will You Vote Today?

Unless you live in New Jersey, Virginia, California or NYC, you don't have any statewide offices or ballot initiatives to vote for or against.

But chances are in your town or city there are municipal elections. Turnout for these races is always low. It's ironic that the people who never vote, complain that they don't feel like their vote makes a difference and most of the people who do vote, only cast their ballots in elections where they actually have the least amount of influence.

You vote counts, even if you are in the political minority where you live. It is a right that brave men and women are fighting for every day. It is also a responsibility. And to take the right and responsibility lightly or to ignore it altogether is an insult to the armed forces past and present who gave all to defend it. And keep in mind the Iraqi citizens who risked their very lives to cast their vote (many for the very first time) a couple of weeks ago.

I'm not one to lecture, so I'll back off the pedantic tone. But consider how much time it takes to stop and gas up your car before work, run over to Wal-Mart on your lunch hour to pick up diapers or go out of your way to the grocery store on you way home because you're running low on milk or orange juice. That's about how much time it takes to vote. A lot of times it takes less time than those tedious errands.

Don't you think casting a vote is worthy of the same amount of your time that it would take you to stop by the post office to mail some bills that have to go out that day?

Now stop being a whiny, bitching pussy and go do it. ;-)

Posted by: Gary at 07:12 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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1 Absentee ballot. That's the way to go. I'm on the Leftcoast, in the great liberal state of the Gubernator. Last I read in the LA Times, unions were outspending Arnie 3 to 1. I don't have a lot of faith that his measures will pass, but I did vote. It's insane if Prop 73 doesn't pass, regarding parental notification in abortion cases. It just seems like that would cross party lines; but I think it's being spun by the no-voters as somehow an anti-abortion measure.

Posted by: Wordsmith at November 09, 2005 12:49 AM (nrGCx)

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