June 09, 2006

New Poll

Go to the sidebar to choose al-Zarqawi's eternal fate.

Posted by: Gary at 11:15 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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So Predictable

Yesterday, I posted about the three different courses that Lefty reaction would take on news of the whacking of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. I gave an immediate example of #3 "retreat and defeat" and the moonbats did not disappoint on the other two (each comment is from a thread on the HuffPost):

1) It don't mean nuthin'. We're still no more successful in Iraq with Al-Zarqawi dead (denial)

From "Hattor":

"Sad day for the Spin Masters of the Neocons warmonger. Because they need War an Dead for can make more Money they need a new boogey Man."
From "helonias":
"The good news is al-Zarqawi is dead. The bad news is can we trust that this as truthful information, coming from Bushco."
2) Sure, Al-Zarqawi's dead, but how many innocent Iraqis have died in the process. All this means is that there'll be another Al-Zarqawi to take his place (sour grapes)

From "confused":

"Once again, we've killed those who kill to stop the killing? And how many 500 pound bombs did it take? How many innocents died along with Zarqawi? Sorry, no celebration here--only fear of a "retaliation", more hate, more discension, more of our own dead and more others dead and less and less civilization. The US will keep up the killing to stop the killing which will never stop as long as the Neo Con Global Cowboy/Pirate Criminals are in office."
From "SatanLivesinUSA":
"The US f*cking military can put up any f*cking bullshit headline they want. There will be lots of litte Zarqawis to follow."
There are plenty more put together by RightWingNews, but you get the point. These Left-wing kooks are like automatons. Wind them up, and off they go with their paranoid rants. They must have had a particularly tough day yesterday.


Posted by: Gary at 09:31 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 291 words, total size 2 kb.

June 08, 2006

Al-Zarqawi Dead

Not breaking news or anything but congratulations to the hard and frustrating work that our military have put into finding this piece of shit. Here's the official CentCom press release.

Enjoy your 72 skanks, asshole. In Hell!
- graphic from HotAir.com -

I just want to hear one single Liberal/Democrat blogger admit this is a big psychological blow to the terrorists and a major boost to the free Iraqi people. And maybe...just maybe...offer their congratulations to coalition troops for this successful operation.

Anyone? Didn't think so.

Found one! AJ in DC over at AmericaBlog. Good for him.


Expect the official Dem spin to follow one of three courses:

1) It don't mean nuthin'. We're still no more successful in Iraq with Al-Zarqawi dead (denial)

2) Sure, Al-Zarqawi's dead, but how many innocent Iraqis have died in the process. All this means is that there'll be another Al-Zarqawi to take his place (sour grapes)

3) And the most likely, considering what these people are all about: "Retreat and Defeat!" as expressed so eloquently at Democrats.com this morning:

"This is a great opportunity for Democrats. We can now insist that we declare victory in Iraq and bring our troops home."
If we had followed Ol' John "cut and run" Murtha's advise, we would have left without killing Al-Zarqawi, who would be continuing to terrorize the people and the new democratically elected government of Iraq right now. There's work that still needs to be done. These people JUST.DON'T.GET.IT.

Hugh Hewitt has a great round-up.

NRO's Media Blog has the quotes from the media on this event: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Freaking Quislings at the BBC are the worst!

Doesn't Look So Defiant Now, Does He?

I swear the first thing I thought of this morning was the lyrics to "America...F*ck Yeah!" from the "Team America: World Police" movie.

I was debating whether or not to post them, but Vinnie beat me to it. Scroll down (NSFW).

Posted by: Gary at 08:56 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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June 07, 2006

Dumbest Headline Of The Week

Many teenage girls feel pressured into sex: study

No, really? They had to do a study to figure that one out?

Posted by: Gary at 03:13 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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No Matter How You Spin It, A "Moral" Victory Is Still A Loss

Markos Moulitsas Zuniga (aka Kos) is now 0-20 for candidates he and his band of Lefty nutcases have backed thanks to Brian Bilbray's win in the CA-50 Congressional race yesterday. Moonbats are still consoling themselves with the fact that the margin was only 4.5%. That's all well and good but the fact remains that Democrat candidate Francine Busby still LOST.

The folks at RedState put into context what this really means as a precursor to the Fall elections:

"Let's do a recap, shall we? Bush's approval numbers are in the 30s. These "generic Congressional ballot" numbers that we see trumpeted give Democrats wide double-digit leads. And here's the most important part:

The Democrats are running this fall on a "culture of corruption" strategy. This special election was to replace a guy who's currently sitting in jail, who had a BRIBE MENU for goodness' sake. Early in the night, the NBC affiliate in San Diego showed a clip of Busby with her supporters, and in a statement that was (apparently) in response to a question about a hypothetical situation in which she would achieve victory the way it is defined everywhere but the left side of the blogosphere, she said, "Anyone who writes this off as 'This is just because of Cunningham' is wrong." I thought to myself then, yeah, but what does it mean if she loses? Right now, the only question I have about the "culture of corruption" strategy is whether we can convince the Donks to keep it.

After all, another string of victories like this would apparently suit both sides just fine."


UPDATE: 3:10pm
Bob Novak weighes in:

"For all the hype and the money spent on the race between former Rep. Brian Bilbray (R) and Francine Busby (D), Busby, in her loss to Bilbray, failed to exceed significantly the percentage won here by John Kerry in 2004. This is significant, because although she will have another shot at Bilbray in November, the turnout should have favored her yesterday, since Republicans had no other races to drive their turnout and Democrats had a gubernatorial primary.

The outcome proves that even with corrupt former Republican Rep. Duke Cunningham’s name fresh in the news, low turnout, a weak candidate like Bilbray and dissension within the GOP ranks (that led to negative Republican campaigning against Bilbray), Democrats cannot win here. Even here, where it should have mattered most, the “culture of corruption” mantra wasn’t enough to convince voters to pull the Democratic lever."

Double "Heh".

Posted by: Gary at 02:10 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Poor Kid

How'd you like to have this idiot for a mother?

"Horror film fan Suzanne Cooper yesterday named her baby Damien after the devil child in the The Omen, who was also born on June 6.

Suzanne went one better than the movie by hitting the full Number of the Beast with the date - 6/6/06.

Special needs teacher Suzanne, 36, was also induced for six days before Damien arrived at 6.59am, tipping the scales at a spine-chilling 6lb 6oz.

She said: "We are overjoyed about the baby. The Omen is one of our favourite films and that's why I was keeping my legs crossed for a birth on the 6th."

You know it's one thing to have to live up to a famous name like "Elvis" or "Shania", but for crying out loud has this woman actually thought this through? This kid's going to be in therapy for his whole miserable life.

Until today, the stupidest baby name I'd ever heard was when Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter "Apple". But this moron takes the "Asshat of the Week" award, hands down.

Posted by: Gary at 10:09 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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"Put Neidermeyer On It. He's A Sneaky Little Shit Just Like You."

The National College Republicans came up with an idea to comment on the whole "global warming" scare and have a little fun in the process.

college reps.jpg

From their website:
"Freeze out cataclysmic environmental scare tactics with a little humor. The Oklahoma University College Republicans gave out free snow cones to students for an event they called "Global Cooling Day."

Stage an event like this one to grab the attention of your campus and raise awareness on the real facts of the global warming phenomenon. Engage with students and debunk some of the myths and cool the hyperbole surrounding the issue.

OU CRs simultaneously used the event to promote their first meeting, sign-up members, and sell CR shirts. A tent and tables were set up at the busiest spot on campus, and OU CRs gave away nearly 1,000 snow cones each day.

Prior to your "Global Cooling Day" event, arm your College Republican chapter with solid talking points on the issue, and then kick-back and enjoy the sun. The facts are on your side...

...Consider staging a similar event on your campus--but make it a beach party instead. Kiddie pools, sand, bikinis--you get the idea."

Of course, this raised the hackles of the good folks at the Democratic National Committee who responded to the event with a press release:
"As more and more experts continue to confirm the harmful effects of global warming, the College Republican National Committee is urging its membership to mock the threat by throwing beach parties this summer. The College Republicans actions demonstrate the misplaced priorities and short-sightedness of the future of the Republican Party, according to the Democratic National Committee. As College Democrats continue to fight for issues that young Americans care about like an affordable college education, Republicans continue to push their out of touch agenda.

"The College Republicans' beach parties mocking global warming are just another example of the misplaced priorities and short- sightedness of the Republican Party," said College Democrats of America President Grant Woodard. "The College Republicans' ignorance toward the seriousness of global warming and climate change shows a Party more focused on partying than talking seriously about the issues facing young people across America. While College Republicans party on this summer, College Democrats will be knocking on doors, working to get Democrats elected nationwide. With young leadership like this, Republicans should prepare to get burned in the upcoming elections."

If there is a better example of how young Republicans and Democrats can be compared to the opposing fraternities in "Animal House" - the fun-loving, easy-going, irreverant Deltas and the stodgy, tight-assed, politically-correct Omegas - I'm not aware of it.

Who do you think will have the edge in influencing the youth vote? Hmmm.

Posted by: Gary at 09:05 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 471 words, total size 3 kb.

June 06, 2006

Moonbats For Ned

Just as a heads up for anyone in CT who cares to show their support for Joe Lieberman, MoveOn.org is sponsoring a rally on Thursday June 8th at noon.

Where: Omni Hotel, 155 Temple Street, New Haven, CT 06510 (Handicap Accessible)

Good thing they pointed out that it was handicap accessible, I'm sure they're going to need it for many of the attendees.

Apparently, they're providing signs. Here's the link announcing it: http://political.moveon.org/rsvp/lamontrally/index.html

Anyone in the area interested in doing a little photo shoot of the event on their lunch hour can email me photos and I'll post them. Should be interesting.

UPDATE - 8/8/06:
Seems this post got a particularly prolific blog commenter (and proprietor of dumpjoe.com), CT Keith, a little bent out of shape. He wanted me to be aware of his spinal surgery scheduled for the day of the rally. Well, I'm glad to say that the surgery must have gone particularly well. Because it looks like Keith is fit as a fiddle and back on his feet as of August 2.

Also, he seems to have retained enough vigor to go stumping for Ned Lamont (as we can see on this video). I'm not expert on what the usual recovery period for major spinal surgery usually is (especially where you're having a disc removal and a spinal fusion) but this procedure boasts a recovery period of only three months compared to other spinal fusion procedures where the recovery period is six to nine months. So CT Keith must have found the best doctors in CT, being as his surgery was only two months ago.

Congrats Keith! Hope your doing well.

Posted by: Gary at 06:12 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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Where's Gary?

Hiding from the Apocalypse! Don't you people have calendars?

Posted by: Gary at 10:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 13 words, total size 1 kb.

June 05, 2006

Humiliation Is Not Torture

Jeez Louise, the freaking touchy-feely Lefties have their panties all in a twist because the U.S. Army has revised it's detainee rules in its Field Manual.

The Pentagon has decided to omit from new detainee policies a key tenet of the Geneva Convention that explicitly bans "humiliating and degrading treatment," according to knowledgeable military officials, a step that would mark a further, potentially permanent, shift away from strict adherence to international human rights standards.
This goes back to the idiocy that was part of the whole Abu Graib story.

Typical that such "outrage" would come from a group of people that despise the brave men and women serving in our military and hurl insults at them as they lay suffering from wounds at Walter Reed Army Hospital. But when it comes to terrorists, don't you taunt them! Don't you humiliate them!!

Here's a clue, you Liberal pussies: When you are detaining enemy combatants who tried to kill Americans and would try again if they were released, hurting their widdow feewings is on the table. That is not torture. We have an enemy that follows NO rules. They lurk in the shadows. They pretend to be just like us. They use our trusting natures against us. And worst of all, they target and murder the innocent.

These are the kind of people that will kidnap someone who never did anything to them and cut off their heads in front of a video camera, for crissakes.

And we're supposed to get squeamish at the idea of making them stand around naked or wear panties on their heads? Please. We live in a new world, and it's a brutal one.

When Liberals get all indignant over the treatment of these murderers they remind voters exactly why they can't be trusted to deal with them.

Posted by: Gary at 04:01 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 307 words, total size 2 kb.


Well looks like Pixy has been pretty busy fending off this weekend's Denial-Of-Service attack. I noticed that the site was up and down since Friday (mostly down) but everything looks OK now (fingers crossed).

The only adverse effect I noticed was the elimination of some votes cast in this week's poll (which I admit is a lame one).

Posted by: Gary at 01:48 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 03, 2006

"The Break-Up" Off To A Good Start

Reports have come in that the new Vince Vaughn/Jen Aniston comedy, "The Break-Up" pulled in a respectable $13.7 million last night, causing Universal to revise up their expectations for the opening weekend gross.

Look, here's the bottom line. This is another one of those "chick flicks" in raunch-comedy clothing. It's got something for him and for her. When was the last time you can remember a movie about relationships that the average guy is eager to see?

Vince Vaughn is such a big draw for men because he plays pretty much the same character in every movie. And as my friend, Kevin, says: "I'm perfectly OK with that". Except for the brief period when Vaughn would play a psychotic nutjob, his comedic talent is exactly what guys like me who were weaned on "Animal House", "Caddyshack" and "Stripes" appreciate - a confident, yet unpretentious style wrapped in an archtypical "everyman" package. He's the regular guy, but the one in the crowd who always seems to land on his feet.

Jennifer Aniston has really picked a series of unfortunate roles in films. But I recently saw her in "Friends With Money" and she was pretty damn good. It was actually the first time I saw her in a movie (besides "Office Space") and didn't think of Rachel from "Friends".

The key here is the chemistry that Vaughn and Aniston seem to have which should bode well for the film's success.

However, it's still way to early. Critics have savaged it, but most critics harbor an elitist attitude that handicaps a movie like this before they even see it. Aniston's off-screen problems with Brad Pitt have probably soured some of these folks on her as well. While this one has been much anticipated, it could easily tank after Sunday if word spreads that it doesn't meet expectations.

We shall see.

UPDATE: 6/5/06
All told, the film took in a little over $38 million. While it exceeded expectations and was the third-highest grossing opening weekend for a romantic comedy, the real test will be the next couple of weeks. Normally, movies lose about 50% in their second weekend. What it will come down to is word-of-mouth.

Posted by: Gary at 01:22 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 377 words, total size 3 kb.

June 02, 2006

New Poll

Well, with Dan, Peter and Tom gone from the airwaves, we have a new horserace over ratings for the Evening News.

Just for kicks, I set up a poll to see who you think will garner the lion's share of its ever-shrinking audience - Brian, Charlie or Katie. Go vote in the sidebar.

Posted by: Gary at 03:45 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 57 words, total size 1 kb.

Cemetary Vandal Gives Authorities The Finger

Literally. He was forced to leave a tell-tale sign behind that linked him to the crime:

Police found the finger end stuck between two toppled gravestones in the cemetery in Fleming, New York state.

Officers, who say a total of 53 headstones were knocked over, later arrested a man missing a finger.

He has been charged with criminal mischief, criminal trespass and cemetery desecration, reports 13WHAM-TV."

Hey, once you get past the first fifty or so you're bound to get careless.

Posted by: Gary at 02:23 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Unemployment Down To 4.6%

But only 75,000 jobs were created last month.

Statistically speaking, we're at near full employment. But CBS can still find a way to spin this news as negative. Check out the headline: "Unemployment Dips, But Hiring Slows". WTF?

They just have to find that cloud in the silver lining. Umm, guys. Maybe hiring slowed because employers can't find enough unemployed people to take the jobs.

Posted by: Gary at 10:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 73 words, total size 1 kb.

June 01, 2006

Is A "Third Party" In The Cards?

Peggy Noonan writes this morning in her WSJ column about a minor movement aimed at the 2008 Presidential Election. There's a new party a-brewin': Unity '08. The idea is that some moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans are trying to create a fusion ticket for President.

Noonan laments the current polarization of U.S. politics and bitter rancor that passes for the current level of partisanship. Could we be seeing the seismic shift in party affiliation that has failed so many times in the past, she wonders?

I'm inclined to think...nah. more...

Posted by: Gary at 10:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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