April 27, 2006

1,100 Sex Offenders Nailed In Sting Operation

The largest number of scumbags ever rounded-up in a single effort was announced today by AG Alberto Gonzalez.

"The 'priority targets' arrested were fugitives wanted for committing sexual offenses and crimes of violence against women, children and the elderly, as well as unregistered convicted sex offenders, according to Justice Department officials."
Good. Now let's put each of these worthless pieces of shit in a cell with a 275lb dude named Bubba, who'll help them experience first-hand what it's like to be a victim.

Posted by: Gary at 03:01 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 14, 2006

Brutal Killer Plays the "Victim" Card

Child murderer Joseph Smith wept at his sentencing hearing today and begged Circuit Judge Andrew Owens for mercy. Smith, who was convicted of murdering 11-year old Carlie Brucia tried the old "I was a victim of drug use" ploy in an attempt to dodge a death sentence, which is what a jury recommended by a vote of 10-2.

Smith told Owens he had been a heroin addict since he was 19 and had unsuccessfully tried to quit several times. He said his wife had kicked him out of their home in January 2004 and he had lost his job when in the hours before abducting Carlie he tried to overdose.

"I just wanted to die that day," he said. But, he said, "I take responsibility of my crimes."

Well, guess what asshole? Unless this judge totally ignores the jury's recommendation, your two-year old wish is finally gonna come true when he passes sentence on March 15th. Then you can take responsibility for kidnapping, raping, beating and finally killing that little girl.

You'll get the same mercy that you showed Carlie Brucia when she cried and begged and pleaded for her life. Too bad the system will probably keep you hanging around for about twenty years before they finally pump your veins full of poison.

Rot in hell, scumbag.

Posted by: Gary at 03:10 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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December 13, 2005

The Death Penalty In Perspective

No doubt there are quite a few folks out there who've stopped by this website who are philosophically opposed to the death penalty. There may even be some who are disgusted at my own observations of the execution of Stanley "Tookie" Williams.

True, my comments may seem a bit offensive, but not nearly as offensive as the attempt by some - especially in Hollywoodland - to glorify a cold-blooded murderer to the point of deifying him. As far as I'm concerned, the 24 years that Tookie Williams spent on death row was 24 years of life more than he deserved. Certainly his innocent victims would have been grateful for just 24 more hours of life to spend with the loved ones they left behind. Williams denied them that. more...

Posted by: Gary at 10:00 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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So Long, Took

It is done.

Vince Aut Morire does his best Toni Basil impression to bring you an ode to Tookie Williams and his Hollywood cheering section.

Posted by: Gary at 07:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 12, 2005


Federal Appeals Court refuses to grant clemency to Tookie. Less than twelve hours to go. It's all on The Terminator's shoulders now. And the minutes are "dripping" by....

UPDATE: Arnold says nuh-uh. Sorry Took. Time to go.

Posted by: Gary at 03:28 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Will The Crip Get The Drip?

Neal Boortz is predicting that Gov. Schwarzenegger will puss-out today and grant clemency to cold-blooded murderer/gang founder/children's book author Stanley "Tookie" Williams, who's scheduled to get the big shot at 12:01am Tuesday morning.

It won't happen. First, the federal courts are likely to grant a stay or two. After all, he was only sentenced about 24 years ago. What's the rush? Secondly, I believe that the main reason the execution of Tookie Williams won't be executed is because Schwarzenegger knows full well that as soon as Tookie's death is announced there will be riots in South Central Los Angeles and elsewhere. The huge media exploitation of this story has made drop-dead sure of that. There are thugs just waiting for an excuse ... not a reason, an excuse. The rioting, of course, will lead to wide scale looting. There are a lot of aspiring rappers and NBA superstars who could really use a nice flat-screen television right now.
Boortz of course is being a little tongue-in-cheek here, but being a cynic he probably believes it. Call me pollyanna, but I have a feeling that Arnold will hold to his oath of office and allow the "termination", in the best interest of the people of Cal-ee-forn-ee-a.

Flap's Blog has a Tookie Death Watch going.

Details of Tookie's crimes here and here (thanks to Sister Toldjah)

Posted by: Gary at 10:01 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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